By Rod Kapunan

“The proposed martial law museum is intended to remind us how stupid we are.”

This writer cannot, in conscience, condone what those select groups of politicized agitators would like the rest of the Filipinos to honor in that museum dubbed as “martial law victims and human rights violation during the Marcos regime.” Our objection is not what transpired but on how they are attempting to distort and misrepresent our history.

First, this museum to be erected in the grounds of the country’s premier university fondly called the “bastion of intellectualism” does not depict a war between the Filipino people against those that occupied and oppressed us. Rather, it is one of rebellion waged by those who sought to overthrow the duly constituted authority.

Second, while the promoters of this jaundiced museum are silent on who should be honored as heroes, it is clear that the museum openly depicts the President of the Republic as villain.

Third, the museum seeks to equally glorify the role of the oligarchy, the Church, the international monopoly class led by the US imperialist with the communist as their newly found and uncanny ally. Instead of the workers and the farmers, they substituted them with those radicalized student activists who commandeered the university campus to glorify their so-called “Diliman Commune” in 1971.

Fourth, the museum is a continuing attempt to collect from the government compensation fees in the guise that the fund is taken from the so-called ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses.

Fifth, the proposed museum will be erected at a cost of P500 million. The irony is that a 1.4 hectare property will be allotted by the University to honor those who fought against the government.

The museum is a reflection of our inner consciousness that remains entombed to what is being depicted to us by the US as a “dark chapter” in our history. How we react to that tumultuous chapter is practically the same way many of our people continue to express their gratitude to those who oppressed and exploited them but in a different milieu.

There is nothing to validate in that museum except to say that UP has descended to that level of intellectual irrationality. Our people cannot figure out why we condemn martial law but never asked why it was declared. Surely, the players of that tumultuous event did not expect riot, arson and vandalism to happen. Nonetheless, it happened because the actors from the other side of the fence were consciously determined to test the limitation of democracy and freedom refusing to concede that they were in fact engaged in rebellion.

Most disgustingly, the proposed museum unwittingly condemns the former President in his bid to contain the escalating violence. Surely, it is the same political scum that exacted compensation for their vandalism that will attend the opening ceremony as if to reminisce the insurgency and terrorism they committed. It will be a grand reunion done by their continuing extortion from the government they equally continue to defile and express contempt for.

Frankly, the proposed museum is intended to remind us how stupid we are. The name of Marcos will again reverberate as villain and absolute evil that caused their alleged sufferings and personal failures in life. This scum of society pretending to be highly ideological are the same animals that dynamited the Marcos monument going to Baguio for us to completely erase his legacy to our people.

Let us not debate on the constitutionality of martial law but concentrate on the two prominent personalities that today are being assiduously elevated as saint by the traitorous Liberal Party and revered as demigods by those communists led by Jose Ma. Sison.

If these people truly believe that the doctrine they are preaching is just, they should ask why those whom they indoctrinated ended up as mendicant paupers of the state they hate so much.

Will it be too much of an insult if they will voluntarily place a small picture, a bust, or monument of Jose Ma. Sison and for Ninoy Aquino to be put up in that museum? It is to show their bravery and real color. It is most inconceivable even to those rebels who died in the field to think that one day, a museum will be put up honoring them as martyrs. In fact, even a summa cum laude graduate of UP will die of envy for not being given one.

No matter how they distort and misinterpret that event, the implication is clear that these scum of the earth goaded the government to put up a museum right in the heart of UP. It is their final insult to our people they always pretend to liberate.

There is intellectual dishonesty in them for while they coyly omitted Sison, people who have their true sentiment of country, can dialectically interpret the fallacy of their doctrine. Many refuse to acknowledge the righteousness of their reincarnated Pol Pot who eliminated many of his comrades during that period of “ideological cleansing.”

The deep division within their ranks is a reflection of their mishandling of contradiction that turned out to be one of tyrannical rule than of democratic centralism. Most intriguing is why Ninoy Aquino has been given a place in that museum. The placing of the van inside the museum has no historical value except to remind the people that it was the same van used by Avsecom where the dead body of Ninoy was dumped after he was shot.

Regrettably, despite having his wife and his son becoming president, they adamantly refused to reinvestigate the case if only to identity the mastermind. We could only speculate that maybe the traitorous political party feared it would incur the ire of their foreign operative.

The role of Ninoy remains an enigma to Philippine politics. Many believe he had knowledge of the Plaza Miranda bombing where he was expected to deliver a speech, but strangely failed to show up. This is worth noting because this is one of the important considerations why Marcos declared martial law for which the perpetrators of the crime tossed it back by blaming Marcos. Moreover, Ninoy was killed long after martial law was lifted, yet they refuse to acknowledge that, because that could place his role outside the purpose of the museum. Instantly, it became a museum of the Liberal Party.

To recap, the museum to be erected is not in memory of the victims of typhoons, flood, earthquake or of conflagration but in honor of those who suffered by an act of the state in self-defense. With or without Marcos, martial law can be declared as it was during the time of President Quirino. In that instance, the people who suffered during that period blamed him for that.

Because Marcos had been ousted, their logic is that those instrumental for his removal from office should be honored in that museum. By implication, Sison should be honored as a hero, for the fact that he was arrested and jailed but subsequently released by Cory Aquino without a question asked about his role in the Plaza Miranda bombing.