By:Reynaldo O. Arcilla

DRESSED in what looked like his Sunday best, punctuated by a bright yellow tie, as if to emphasize that he belongs to the Yellow Horde, who are known Amboys (America-sympathizing boys), Foreign Secretary Teodoro “Tweeterboy” Locsin Jr. pompously announced the further extension for six months of the suspension of the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States.

The reason he gave for the extension is “to enable us to find a more enhanced, mutually beneficial, mutually agreeable and more effective and lasting arrangement on how to move forward in our mutual defense.” (This sounds like there is every intention not only on the part of the US, but also of the PH to try and keep the VFA alive indefinitely.)

My goodness, after 22-odd years, we only thought of doing that now?!

Actually, we already had a brief period, 1991 to 1997, of having a taste of how a truly independent nation feels like with the absence of US troops and military bases on our soil. That was after the so-called Magnificent 12 of the Senate at the time rejected the extension of the military bases agreement with the US.

Not only did we survive rather well during that period but also, perhaps more importantly, learned how to be self-reliant. Too, we kept our pride and dignity as a people intact and, in the process, earned the respect of the international community.

Unfortunately, as fate would have it, we had two presidents who didn’t know any better by paving the way for the forging of the VFA with the US. But that’s water under the bridge now.

And now that we have another golden opportunity to be truly independent by getting rid of foreign troops and military bases as mandated by the Constitution no less, we see our President Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte seemingly wavering in his vow to do so. Sad!

Locsin did not specify exactly when the further suspension of the VFA abrogation would last.

However, one local newspaper said that according to the Department of Foreign Affairs, the fresh extension will take effect 69 days after June 1, 2021, which means the abrogation may be implemented by Aug. 10, 2021 (29 days of June plus 31 days of July plus nine days of August 2021) unless, of course, Digong again changes his mind.

Strange Tweeterboy Locsin
In his video announcement of the fresh extension of the suspension of the VFA abrogation, Locsin started off with addressing the US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien. Why not his counterpart, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo? Strange.

He also said, “My” President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte, has instructed me…

Huh? He is “our” (the people’s) President too, ain’t he?

The strange fellow is also fond of saying “my” diplomats, “my” ambassadors. They are also “our” diplomats, “our” ambassadors. If anyone has that right to address them as such, it is the President who appointed them in the first place. An ambassador is also considered as the head of state’s “personal” representative to a foreign country.

Come to think of it, how come Tweeterboy never referred to Ambassador Marichu Mauro as “my” ambassador to Brazil?

PH-US military alliance now ok with Digong?
At the end of his announcement, Locsin declaimed: “Long live Philippine-US friendship and alliance!”

Huh! Isn’t he aware of his Boss Digong’s declaration that he no longer wants any military alliance with anyone, be it the US, China or Russia? Or maybe he has already succeeded in making the latter change his mind?

Mr. President, Sir?

US to deploy Coast Guard in Western Pacific
Late last month, Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the US government announced it would deploy Coast Guard patrol ships and “strategically homeporting significantly enhanced fast response cutters…in the western Pacific.”

Further, the AFP reported that US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said that the vessels will carry out maritime security operations, including helping fishing boats “in collaboration with regional partners who have limited offshore surveillance and enforcement capacity, and ensure freedom of navigation.”

I suppose the regional partners referred to include the Philippines, specifically insofar as the Scarborough, Pag-asa and other areas in the South China Sea over which we have sovereign rights are concerned.

Let’s watch what happens, especially as to how China will react to the US move… if at all it is carried out.

Biden calls heads of govt of Australia, Japan and SKorea
The AFP also reported that US President-elect Joe Biden had phone calls with the heads of government of Australia, Japan and South Korea reassuring them of US defense commitments. All three received calls from Biden thanking them for their congratulations on his apparent election victory.

But didn’t Digong also congratulate him? So how come he didn’t call Digong? I guess that’s a clear indication of how Democrat Biden’s administration will be treating the Philippines…like a second-class ally that can be taken for granted!

Why? Because we let them. That’s the main difference between us and our Southeast Asian neighbors — Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and now Vietnam. And that’s why we are now, eating their dust. If we don’t stop being dependent on the US, pretty soon Laos, Cambodia and especially, Myanmar will soon catch up with us.

Eat your hearts out, Yellows and Amboys!

Source Manila Times 17-11-2020